
Rosie is our second dog and is a Maltese-West Highland cross.
20050804 - Happy Rosie
We bought her from a breeder in Adelaide. As Angus is reputed to come from a Melbourne breeder, this makes for good genetics.
Her mother was a pure bred West Highland Terrier and her father was a pure bred Maltese Terrier.
Rosie has a lovely active temperament. She will bark at you at first, but we fear she would lick any burglars to death, particularly if they stopped to rub her tummy.
She is an excellent mother, and looks after her puppies very well. We feel sure that she develops secure, independant, friendly, good-natured pups.
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Rosie is currently pregnant with her fourth litter, due May 2007.
We have a description of her third and second litters, or just browse through the archives for the long version.