Mon, Mar 26th, 2007

A vet booking

Posted in PuppiesII at 3:33 pm by Lea

I’ve called up the vet and made an ultrasound appointment for the 5th – thats around 4 weeks from conception. Apparently they date it fromthe start of breeding. This makes sense, I suppose – I think most breedings only have a short period of access, not 7 days worth like ours.
I’m sure we’re all waiting with bated breath to see if she really is pregnant – no reason she shouldn’t be though.
Unrestricted access to a proven stud for 7 days while fertile – that’d knock any of us up ;)

Sat, Mar 24th, 2007

I hate toads!

Posted in PuppiesII at 10:21 pm by Lea

Queensland, in case you weren’t aware, has a problem with cane toads – they are nasty poisonous creatures that were imported last century to help with some problem with a bug in the sugar cane, and THEY HAVE NO PLACE IN OUR ECO SYSTEM!
The little blighters have poison all over their backs, making them a hazard to domestic pets.
Why am I mentioning this now?
I took the dogs out the back tonight after they had eaten (they only have free reign to the yard in daylight because… there are cane toads in the area)
I am watching Angus walk out into the yard and thinking ‘are you going to do something? No, don’t kick dirt, you haven’t done anything yet…’ when I suddenly realised Rosie was behind me and I turned round – and she was sniffing at a toad I hadn’t noticed.
So, I grab Rosie and shove her under one arm, run over, grab Angus and put him under the other arm so he can’t get a toad while I am gone – he yelps, because its difficult to pick up one dog when you are already carrying another, I run up the stairs, put him down, clip the gate, go inside and shove Rosie’s muzzle under the tap.
She didn’t like that oddly enough.
She seems to be ok, but I am unhappy.

Fri, Mar 16th, 2007


Posted in PuppiesII at 6:25 pm by Lea

Well, we may not have medical proof, but I have no doubt that our girl is pregnant – the 3AM “I have to go out noooooow” call is something we haven’t “enjoyed” since she was last pregnant.
I hope we don’t have to do this every night for the next 8 weeks – I like my sleep now that the kids are bigger!
I’ll just console myself with the thought of ‘puppies!’ :)

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