Tue, Feb 27th, 2007

On heat…

Posted in PuppiesII at 9:08 am by Lea

Well, the waiting is over – our girl is on heat.
No actual action yet, but they’ll figure it out presently.
(I won’t know – I keep my hands over my eyes for the next two weeks ;) )

Sat, Feb 03rd, 2007

When will Rosie go on heat? (aka when are those puppies going to be ready to come and live with me??? ;))

Posted in PuppiesII at 11:12 pm by Lea

Having posted that Rosie was about to go on heat, I’ve had quite a few enquiries about puppies – I don’t think we will even need to advertise this lot!

We’re waiting and waiting on Rosie to actually go on heat (that has to happen, you know, before we can get the cute puppies ;) ) and nothing seems to be happening.

We’re starting to ask each other ‘What, do dogs go through menopause???’ but even if they do (and I have no idea) then I would have thought that Rosie, at 5, was too young.

Anyway, I’ve just been back through my old blog entries (what, you thought I was writing here to entertain you? No, no, no – its to let me have somewhere to record data about my dogs, and I lose bits of paper ;) ) and it seems Rosie has 7 months between cycles.
This means she will be on heat at the end of this month (or maybe the middle – lets cross our fingers, shall we?) She actually seems to be quite regular, when I look back (knocks on wood…)

So, if you are interested in a cute little ball of white fluff puppy at the end of June-2007, roughly, drop me a line and I can add you to my ‘List-of-people-to-tell-the-good-news’, or you can just follow this blog.