
Roaming Puppies

Posted in PuppiesII at 10:31 pm by Lea

The pupies are getting bigger, and its time for them to spread their wings a little.
I’ve moved their box over to the bedroom door, taken out the barrier and let them run around in the small foyer outside our bedroom. Its only a bit larger, but its a big change for little puppies – their first steps into the waiting world :)
They are squeaking as I type, complaining that its a bit colder over here (so run around!) and they don’t like change (deal with it!).
In a couple of days I will let them out of there to roam most of the house – oh boy! Its a pain, I have to make sure all the cables are up and block any nooks and crannies they could get stuck in, but they need to get used to moving around. They are old enough now (although I don’t think the little squeakers think so :)
I will put them back in their box and put the barrier in for night times. It keeps thm out of mischeif.

Here’s some photos of them in their larger area – click through for larger images and more photos



While I was moving their box, they sat in the laundry basket.

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