
Puppy spit makes your shoelaces icky!

Posted in PuppiesII at 11:58 am by Lea

I have four little puppies bouncing around playing under my feet. I have to be careful where I step! Giant step, giant step… :)

Yesterday we had our big trip to the vet! Four little puppies looked at me with soulful eyes as I held them while the vet prodded, poked, injected and pronounced them beautiful. :)
Must be the best part of the job :) (Mind you as I was leaving another lady as coming in with 2 washing baskets full of some sort of bull dog puppy. I am sure there must have been 15 of them – can you imagine? I can’t!)

We had a 10 o’clock appointment, so I made a box to carry them in, put the harness on Rosie and took her downstairs (I didn’t need to take her, but I didn’t want her freaking out on me if all 4 puppies were suddenly missing), put her in the front seat, put the puppies in the box and carried them downstairs and put them on floor in front of Rosie, loosened Rosie’s seat belt for a minute so she could lean down and see they were there (which was probably pointless – dogs use their sense of smell enough that I’m sure she knew they were there…) and drove away.
Angus bounced up and down excitedly at me when I put Rosie’s harness on, but I was not going to take young master “I’m not going in the vet’s office! I’m putting my bottom down – you’ll have to drag or carry me” when I was carrying a box of puppies. So he had to stay home.
We did the winding 15 minute drive to the vet, and I swear they complained the whole way. OK, it wasn’t a very big box, but that’s better than too much room and sliding everywhere.
Whine, whine, whine – they did not enjoy there first car trip.
Ah, well – Friday we can flea and tick them and that means Saturday we can go outside for plays on the grass! Yay! (Note to self – mow the lawn!)

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