
Feed the boy(s and girls) meat!

Posted in PuppiesII at 10:27 pm by Lea

Today the puppies had their first taste of Real Meat.
The supermarket had chuck steak cheap on Saturday, so that is what I picked up.
I sliced it quite fine and quite small and sat down with them and tried to keep track of who I had fed while they bounced around and over and through.
They loved it.
With every batch of puppies I have a problem with food boredom – they try soaked dog bikkies and love them! For the first two times, then they have a taste and leave it.
They try mince slurry (mince forked down into small bits and stirred into hot water, to make a meaty to taste to train their digestive system to process real meat) and love it! For the first two times, then it is boring…
Do you see the pattern here? :)
But once we reach Real Meat! all goes well, they love it constantly – and I must say, they are hysterical to feed, as they do back flips and try to steal each other’s serve :)

Next week we will toss a chicken wing in amongst them, and watch them drag it around, and tussle over it, and steal it from each other, and get a little bit of meat from it and have lots of fun, until eventually mum comes over and steals it.
Ah, puppies – all the trouble is worth it :)


Baxter's turn for food
Baxter’s turn for food

Feeding Frenzy
All the dogs feeding

Click through for larger images and more pictures

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