
first go at meat on the fly

Posted in PuppiesII at 10:16 am by Lea

I defrosted a chicken wing this morning and gave it to the puppies to ‘play’ with (play from an educational point of view, you understand)
I took it over to them, called ‘puppies!’ to get their attention and then dropped the meat on the floor. They all bounced on my feet, not having noticed this yummy strange thing. But then Baxter spotted it! He was diving under the other dogs to get to it, then suddenly they all noticed it! It was like a rugby scrum, with everyone trying to get it. Ella managed to snag it and ran off. Next thing I know, 4 little puppies are chasing each other around the room, one with a chicken wing in her mouth.
Three of them are tearing at it at the moment :)

Puppies – worth every second of the effort :)

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